Terms and conditions

These Terms and Conditions constitute the 'Contract' between Dezain Studio Ltd (hereinafter referred to as 'Dezain Studio'), Reg. 12-6A Nometņu Street, Riga, LV-1048, and the 'Client' - a natural or legal person. The Agreement sets out the terms of access to and use of the Dezain Studio website: https://www.dezain.studio/ (hereinafter referred to as the 'Website') and any other media form, channel, mobile website, or mobile application related thereto. By agreeing to these Terms, the Customer agrees to comply with the obligations and duties outlined in this agreement when using the Site. If the relationship between the Client and Dezain Studio ends, the Client must pay for the services provided by Dezain Studio.

1. Intellectual property rights

Dezain Studio owns the Site, including all Content and Marks, such as source code, databases, functionality, software, site designs, audio, video, text, photographs, and graphics, regardless of format. Copyright and intellectual property rights are governed by the laws and regulations in force in the Republic of Latvia. The information and marks on the Site are intended for the Customer's personal use and reference. Except as permitted herein, no part of the Site, including the Content and Marks, may be copied, reproduced, collected, republished, uploaded, posted, displayed, encoded, translated, transmitted, distributed, sold, licensed, or otherwise exploited for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of Dezain Studio, which retains all rights to the Site, Content, and Marks. Except as permitted herein, no part of the Site, including the Content and Marks, may be copied, reproduced, collected, republished, uploaded, posted, displayed, encoded, translated, transmitted, distributed, sold, licensed, or otherwise exploited for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of Dezain Studio, which retains all rights to the Site, Content, and Marks. Except as permitted herein, no part of the Site, including the Content and Marks, may be copied, reproduced, collected, republished, uploaded, posted, displayed, encoded, translated, transmitted, distributed, sold, licensed, or otherwise exploited for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of Dezain Studio, which retains all rights to the Site, Content, and Marks.

2. Ownership of Materials

All designs and original source files developed by Dezain Studio are the property of the client. The client is the sole owner of the designs commissioned and paid for by Dezain Studio. The client warrants that all materials provided to Dezain Studio as examples are the property of the client. Dezain Studio has the right to share the Client's Designs on social media and the website, unless otherwise agreed.

3. Third-party typefaces

If a Project contains typefaces that are not owned by Dezain Studio ("Third Party Typeface(s)"), which require a commercial license for the Client to reproduce, distribute, or publicly display the Project lawfully, Dezain Studio will notify the Client in writing. If the project includes any third-party typefaces, the client must obtain the necessary licenses from the owners of the rights to those typefaces in order to lawfully reproduce, distribute, or publicly display the project. Dezain Studio will provide the client with a written report containing information on which licenses are required and how to purchase them. The customer is responsible for any consequences that may arise from not purchasing one or more licenses for any third-party typeface included in the project.

4. Client representations

By using the Website, the Customer represents and warrants that they have the legal capacity and agree to be bound by these Terms. The Customer confirms that they are not a minor and will not access the Website through automated or other means. The Customer agrees to use the Website only for lawful purposes and will not use it for any illegal or unauthorized purpose.

5. Prohibited activities

The Client may not use the Site for any commercial purposes other than those related to work carried out by Dezain Studio on the Client's behalf. The following activities are strictly prohibited: Unauthorized use of the Site includes retrieving data or content to create or compile a database or directory, circumventing, disabling, or otherwise interfering with the security-related features of the Site, engaging in unauthorized site or link building, and defrauding, deceiving, or misleading Dezain Studio or other Clients of the Site. Do not interfere with, disrupt, or excessively burden the networks or servers of the Site or Dezain Studio. Do not use the Site in an attempt to compete with Dezain Studio. Do not decrypt, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any software that makes up the Site or in any way forms part of the Site. Please refrain from taking any actions on the Site that are intended to prevent or restrict access to the Site or any of its parts. Additionally, do not harass, annoy, intimidate, or threaten any Dezain Studio employee while using the Site. Please do not remove any copyright or other proprietary notices from any Content, copy or adapt any software on the Site, or upload, transmit, or attempt to upload, transmit, or attempt to transmit any material that functions as a passive or active mechanism for gathering or transmitting information. Please do not disparage, defame, or otherwise harm Dezain Studio, and use the Site in a manner consistent with applicable law, the Articles, and these Terms.

6. Customer Feedback

The Customer acknowledges and agrees that any questions, comments, suggestions, or other feedback or submissions ("Submissions") are the property of Dezain Studio. Dezain Studio has no obligation to keep any Submission confidential.

7. Governance and Site

Dezain Studio reserves the right to monitor the Site for compliance with these Terms or to detect violations. In case of a breach, Dezain Studio will take action in compliance with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia. Dezain Studio may limit or revoke access to the Site or disable the Client's use of the Site if the Terms are not followed. Dezain Studio makes all decisions regarding the management of the Site to safeguard its rights and property.

8. Privacy Policy

By using the Site, the Customer agrees to be bound by the Privacy Policy and its terms and conditions, which are adopted and incorporated herein. The Site is based in the United States of America. Accessing the Site from the EU, Asia, or any other region of the world may result in the application of laws, statutes, or regulations that differ from those in the United States governing the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information. By continuing to use the website and transferring data to the United States, the customer expressly consents to the transfer and processing of their data in the United States. Dezain Studio does not knowingly accept or solicit information from individuals under the age of 18. Dezain Studio will delete any personally identifiable information provided by an individual under the age of 13 without parental consent, in accordance with the United States Children's Online Privacy Protection Act.

9. Return and refund

Dezain Studio reserves the right to decline refund requests for Projects in development or under development. Refunds are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. If the Client requests a refund within the first month of use, all Projects in progress and under development remain the exclusive property of Dezain Studio, and the Client is prohibited from using them in any way. If the Client breaches these terms, Dezain Studio reserves the right to take appropriate legal action.

10. Modification

Dezain Studio reserves the right to change, modify, alter, or remove any content on the Site at its sole discretion. Dezain Studio may modify or discontinue any part of the Site without notice to Clients.

11. Connection Interruptions

Dezain Studio does not guarantee the availability of the Site at all times. Dezain Studio is not responsible for interruptions, delays, or errors caused by problems with hardware, software, or other elements beyond its control. The customer acknowledges that Dezain Studio is not liable for any loss, damage, or inconvenience resulting from the customer's inability to access or use the site during a connection or service interruption.

12. Applicable law

These Rules shall be governed by the laws and regulations in force in the Republic of Latvia.

13. Proceedings

In case of a dispute that cannot be settled through negotiation, the claimant may choose to settle it in the courts of the Republic of Latvia, in accordance with the laws and regulations in force in the Republic of Latvia. The Terms exclude the application of the Latvian Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act.

14. Disclaimer

The site is provided 'as is'. The Customer agrees to use the Site as provided by Dezain Studio. Dezain Studio does not warrant or represent the completeness of the content on the Site. Dezain Studio is not responsible for any errors or inaccuracies in the content or materials, personal injury or property damage, unauthorized access to or use of Dezain Studio's secure servers and/or any personal or financial information stored thereon, business interruption, viruses, Trojan horses, or any similar issues that may be transmitted to or through the Site by any third party. Dezain Studio is also not responsible for any errors or omissions in the Content and Materials, or for any loss or damage incurred as a result of the use of any Content posted, transmitted, or otherwise created. Dezain Studio is not responsible for any products or services advertised or offered by third parties through the Site, any hyperlinked site, or any website or mobile application contained in any advertisement.

15. Liability and limitation of damages

Dezain Studio is not responsible for any direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, special, or punitive damages, including lost profits, lost revenue, lost data, attorneys' fees, court costs, fines, forfeitures, or other losses or damages arising from the Customer's use of the Site.

16. Customer Data

The Customer is solely responsible for all data when using or transferring data to or from the Site. Dezain Studio is not responsible for any loss or corruption of Customer Data. The Customer waives any right of action against Dezain Studio for such loss or damage.

17. Electronic communications, transactions, and signatures.

The Client agrees that requests for the Project, contracts, and notices may be sent electronically via email or on the Website and do not require an original handwritten signature. The Client hereby waives any rights or claims under any statute, regulation, ordinance, or other law of any jurisdiction that requires an original signature or non-electronic record.

18. Other Terms.

These Terms and any policies posted on or relating to the Site constitute the entire agreement and understanding between the Client and Dezain Studio. If any provision of these Terms is found to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, it will be removed from these Terms, but it will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

19. Contact Information:

If you have any questions or complaints regarding the Site, please contact Dezain Studio via email at hello@dezain.studio.